
TAKOs research and T&L awards and recognitions

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Research and T&L Recognitions & Awards

UL Excellence in Teaching Award 2017
UL Excellence in Teaching Award 2017: Prof. Hussain Mahdi is the overall winner of the prestigous UL Individual Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching for Academic Year 2016/17 (click on the picture on the right).

OCLC and ALISE Library & Information Science Research Award 2012

Winner of the Innovation Project Competition 2010 - Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer Office, European Commission
Winner of the Innovation Project Competition 2010 - Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer Office, European Commission: Project: "Remote Human Presence Detection System Using a Novel Electrostatically-Enhanced Displacement Current Sensor", Lorenzo Faggion (PhD Student) & Prof. Hussain Mahdi (Supervisor).

Industrial Secondment Award, Royal Academy of Engineering
Industrial Secondment Award, Royal Academy of Engineering: Prof. Hussain Mahdi was the receipient of this prestigious Royal Academy of Engineering - UK award in 1997.

OCLC and ALISE Library & Information Science Research Award 2016
OCLC and ALISE Library & Information Science Research Award 2016: Prof. Hussain Mahdi and Dr. Arash Joorabchi were the recipients of this prestigious award for their innovative project " Fostering Library-Wikipedia Integration: Automatic Mapping of FAST Subject Headings to Wikipedia Articles."

Recognition of Research Quality - ASLIB (Association for Information Management)
Recognition of Research Quality - ASLIB (Association for Information Management) : in recognition of the quality of our research work on text classification and information organisation, ASLIB published a special review article of the work in their Managing Information journal, titled "Automatic document analysis: Ireland's digital library of syllabi ", Vol.18, No.7, pp. 67-68, 2011.

Outstanding and Best Paper Awards

National Students Competition Awards

Since 2010, the ICTLC and PSLC teams have been managing UL ICT students' participation in a number of annual national and regional computer programming and gaming competitions, as part of our aim to promote active and student centred learning, enhance and broaden the students' ICT skill-sets and to promote ICT as a career path. Working with all undergraduate students in UL every year, we invite and encourage students' participation, manage team selection via internal competitions and provide team mentoring and training, which have been instrumental in our success and team winning record. Below is a list of our recent successes in two of Irelands leading ICT student competitions.

Games Fleadh - Robocode

Robocode is an annual programming competition open to first year Full Time Undergraduate students. It is intended as an opportunity for these students to demonstrate their programming abilities and advance their knowledge of GUI programming, API usage and Artificial Intelligence. Each team codes their tanks functionality using the Java programming language. The little graphical tanks need to be programmed to avoid being hit while finding and hitting their opponents without any kind of manual intervention.

Games Fleadh - XNA Challenge / Games Studio Ireland Challenge

The Games Studio competition is open to 2nd, 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students from across all institutions in Ireland. In 2017, our "Trash Team Racing" team emerged overall winners in the Games Studio Competition which was held as part of the Games Fleadh at LIT Tipperary (http://gamesfleadh.ie/games-ireland-2/). The team comprised four 2nd year and one 3rd year BSc in Computer Games Development students.

The trailer for the 2017 winning game can be viewed at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AudlKPztwJk